Source code for essm.variables.units

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of essm.
# Copyright (C) 2017 ETH Zurich, Swiss Data Science Center.
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"""Define unit symbols."""

import functools
import operator

import sympy.physics.units as u
from sympy import Symbol
from sympy.physics.units import Dimension, Quantity, find_unit
from sympy.physics.units.definitions.dimension_definitions import (
                                            amount_of_substance, capacitance,
                                            charge, conductance,
                                            energy, force, frequency,
                                            inductance, luminous_intensity,
                                            magnetic_density, magnetic_flux,
                                            power, pressure, temperature, time,
from import dimsys_SI, SI

candela = u.candela
coulomb = u.coulomb
farad = u.farad
gray = u.gray
henry = u.henry
joule = u.joule
katal = u.katal
kelvin = u.kelvin
kilogram = u.kilogram
lux = u.lux
meter = u.meter
mol = mole = u.mol
newton = u.newton
ohm = u.ohm
pascal = u.pascal
second = u.second
siemens = u.siemens
tesla = u.tesla
volt = u.volt
watt = u.watt
weber =

    SI.get_dimensional_expr(d): d
    for d in SI._base_units

SI_EXTENDED_UNITS = list(SI._base_units) + [
    kelvin, candela, lux, mol, newton, pascal, joule, watt, coulomb, volt,
    farad, ohm, siemens, weber, tesla, henry
    SI.get_dimensional_expr(d): d
    for d in SI_EXTENDED_UNITS

[docs]def markdown(unit): """Return markdown representation of a unit.""" from operator import itemgetter if unit.is_Pow: item = unit.args base1 = item[0] if hasattr(base1, 'abbrev'): base1 = base1.abbrev exp1 = item[1] if hasattr(exp1, 'abbrev'): exp1 = exp1.abbrev return '{0}$^{{{1}}}$'.format(base1, exp1) if unit.is_Mul: str1 = '' tuples = [] allargs = unit.args for arg in allargs: if arg.is_Pow: args = arg.args args0 = args[0] if isinstance(args0, Quantity): args0 = args0.abbrev args1 = args[1] if isinstance(args1, Quantity): args1 = args1.abbrev tuples.append((str(args0), args1)) if isinstance(arg, Quantity): tuples.append((str(arg.abbrev), 1)) tuples.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) for item in tuples: if item[1] == 1: str1 = str1 + ' ' + item[0] else: base1 = item[0] if hasattr(base1, 'abbrev'): base1 = base1.abbrev exp1 = item[1] if hasattr(exp1, 'abbrev'): exp1 = exp1.abbrev str1 = str1 + ' {0}$^{{{1}}}$'.format(base1, exp1) return str1.strip() else: if isinstance(unit, Quantity): unit = unit.abbrev return str(unit)
[docs]def derive_unit(expr, name=None): """Derive SI unit from an expression, omitting scale factors.""" from essm.variables import Variable from essm.variables.utils import extract_variables dim = Variable.get_dimensional_expr(expr) return dim.subs(SI_EXTENDED_DIMENSIONS)
[docs]def derive_baseunit(expr, name=None): """Derive SI base unit from an expression, omitting scale factors.""" from essm.variables import Variable from essm.variables.utils import extract_variables from sympy.physics.units import Dimension from import dimsys_SI Variable.check_unit(expr) # check for dimensional consistency variables = extract_variables(expr) for var1 in variables: q1 = Quantity('q_' + str(var1)) SI.set_quantity_dimension( q1, Dimension(SI.get_dimensional_expr( derive_baseunit(var1.definition.unit))) ) SI.set_quantity_scale_factor(q1, var1.definition.unit) expr = expr.xreplace({var1: q1}) dim = Dimension(Variable.get_dimensional_expr(expr)) return functools.reduce( operator.mul, ( SI_BASE_DIMENSIONS[Symbol(d)] ** p for d, p in dimsys_SI.get_dimensional_dependencies(dim).items() ), 1 )
def derive_base_dimension(dim): """Derive base dimension of dimension.""" return functools.reduce( operator.mul, ( Dimension(d) ** p for d, p in dimsys_SI.get_dimensional_dependencies(dim).items() ), Dimension(1) ) __all__ = ( 'derive_baseunit', 'derive_unit', 'markdown', 'joule', 'kelvin', 'kilogram', 'meter', 'mole', 'pascal', 'second', 'watt' )